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School composition

Essay on the proverb "as you sow, so shall you reap"
Grade 5. Essay on the proverb "as you sow, so shall you reap".

In folk wisdom, there is nothing superfluous. For centuries seen important human stories, knowing that he can make the right choices on your life path.

And the proverb "as you sow, so shall you reap". By it we are taught from an early age and try to ensure we clearly understand the meaning of this folk wisdom. But, as I have long been convinced, the man learns in their own skin. That's when it will become as clear and deliberate.

 Чтобы показать на более понятном языке, я приведу вам один пример из жизни. Однажды мне встретился один мальчишка. Он тогда тоже учился в пятом классе. Но все одноклассники его дико не любили и мне стало его жалко. Но, немного приглядевшись, я начала понимать почему дети так на него ополчились. Его звали Даня. Он, как казалось, был обычным учеником. Но нет. В его арсенале появились странные и никому не приятные привычки. Даня считал нормальным постоянно обзываться на других ребят. А, когда кто-то давал ему сдачи или обзывал его в ответ, он начинал ябедничать и звонить маме, прося чтобы та разобралась с обидчиком. Иногда Даня позволял себе сбросить на пол чьи-то вещи с парты, запрятать что-то или просто начать бить кого-то. Но, при попытке ему отомстить, все повторялось - он ябедничал классному руководителю или вызывал маму в школу на разборки.

And so it went on all the time. The lessons Dan "horsing around" and didn't come with textbooks, notebooks, pens. He constantly argued with teachers and entirely tried to disrupt lessons, showing all his behavior, not the desire to learn things and behave obediently. The entire teaching staff was not very happy with his behavior. Soon called his mom for a preventive conversation about the education of the child. She felt not very nice, she was ashamed of his son. But nothing helped. Dan fully demonstrated their dissatisfaction with the school.

Soon he bored with what he himself entertained, I wanted to find friends and spend together a fun leisure, but now it was full of hostility on the part of all classmates and the other students. His attempts to make friends with someone completely failed, because he still continued to bully and behave as if he were in this world deserves one of the various benefits. End of the story that Dan the entire academic year spent in almost complete isolation, in the table were some negative points.

In spite of this situation, it's appropriate to say: "as you sow, so shall you reap".

Category: 5 grade | Added by: 04.10.2018
Views: 287 | Rating: 0.0/0

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