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School composition

Books – our best friends
Essay for 10th class on "Books – our best friends"

Is it possible to imagine a life without books? In them we find the answers to their eternal questions. Books will always tell us what to do and where to get the strength to move on. In them lies the age-old wisdom and invaluable knowledge of mankind.

I always liked to read. In early childhood the book was my best friend and Advisor. I loved to flip through the colorful pages and gliding a finger across the printed letters, learning words. At our house, a good book has always been held in high esteem. I grew up in a family of admirers Dreiser, Hugo, Pushkin, Bunin and Goethe. Maybe that's why my favorite subject in school is literature.

With age it became clear to me that my future profession will be closely connected with books. I love studying literary works and biographies of famous writers. I was always curious to know what prompted the author for the creation of a masterpiece of literature. After all, the idea of writing a book is not born in a vacuum.

At literature lessons are not boring. I always wait with great anticipation. In school, we study and analyze the immortal creations of not only domestic but also foreign authors. Our teacher helps us to carry out a deep analysis of the behavior of the protagonist, to reach the essence of a particular book.

I am confident that studying literature just need everyone. Books help us develop our thinking and imagination to awaken the literary genius in all of us.

Category: 10 grade | Added by: 11.12.2019
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