Since time immemorial, people have paid great attention to natural phenomena. This allowed them not only to learn about the world around them, but also to establish certain patterns. Based on the conclusions made, our ancestors learned to predict what the weather will be like, how rich the harvest will be, and much more. As a result, a variety of signs were formed, which have firmly entered the daily life of our ancestors. Many of them have survived to this day.
For example, it is known that if sparrows bathe in the dust, it will soon become cold and, possibly, it will rain. The behavior of the swallows also testifies to the approach of rain. They begin to fly low above the ground. This behavior of birds is quite natural. Insects are the main food of birds, they feel the slightest fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, which occur long before the start of rain. These changes cause them to sink closer to the ground. Swallows descend behind them, trying to feast on their favorite dish.
Animals and birds also perfectly feel not only climatic changes, but also natural disasters. For example, pets and livestock can sense an earthquake. On the eve of a natural disaster, they begin to show concern and seek to leave this place. Magpies, before the start of a storm or a strong blizzard, try to stay as close to a person's dwelling as possible, use it as a shelter from bad weather.
The massive accumulation of hares near human habitation, or rather in gardens and orchards, indicates that a severe winter is expected. Hunger makes eared beauties look for food, which is easiest to find in gardens. And the mice begin to leave their winter shelters, forest litters, and appear on the surface of the snow for the upcoming thaw. This is because they sense the approach of heat, which will allow them to get to the scanty remnants of food, well covered by the thickness of the snow.
Other signs testify to the upcoming changes in nature. For example, thunder in the winter time indicates the approach of a blizzard, but in spring or summer it is a harbinger of a downpour, often accompanied by strong winds. In winter, due to low temperatures, the water turns into snow, and the wind is even stronger. So it turns out that in winter, instead of a downpour, a blizzard replaces the thunderous rolls.
People are familiar with many of these signs. They use them in everyday life. Nature itself gives us the right hints, the main thing is to be careful. This will allow you to properly prepare for adverse natural events and, if possible, avoid negative consequences.