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School composition

Love for all ages
Over a lifetime we hear words of love countless times. The value of the familiar childhood words we begin to understand with age.

The kids love all. For there is no difference in the love of the dog or parents, they do not hesitate to speak about it. Frank and straightforward. The little man speaks about it confidently, even ready to shout to the whole world.

For years, kids grow up, becoming teenagers, and here everything changes. They still love someone, but it's another love, about which is shy to tell. Often, to conceal the tender feeling, they start to behave aggressively. Beginning to reject, to resist love, do stupid things. It will take time, and teenagers grow into Mature young men and women who want to create a couple. And when they find it, they are again under the influence of the unearthly feelings. Now they are not hiding their love. At this time, is not shy about his feelings. On the contrary, trying to make my beloved man was next.

Here is formed a new couple in love, which after some time will legalize their relationship.

Several years pass and a young couple to raise their own children. Between them is love, but it changes a little bit and it added another one. Is love to joint children. Around the family all love their home and the environment.

It will take years and a middle-aged wife all together. They cherish each other, their love is filled with gratitude for the years spent together, the moments of joy and anxiety, for endurance, for closeness, for your kindness. The feeling is modified, but remains conscious, in spite of age and completed years.

Nobody lives forever, and in a moment one of the spouses passes on, and the other continues to live. He remains loyal, and loving as before, despite the loneliness and the presence of gray hair.

It so happens that in old age, two people find each other. Between flashes love and they decide to spend together the rest of your life.

All this proves the expression "love for all ages".

Category: 10 grade | Added by: 16.02.2020
Views: 246 | Rating: 0.0/0

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