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School composition

Pursuit of the goal
 I really love books. And not everyone can share this love of mine. I spend all my free time with books. Some might say that literature replaces reality, but I believe that books complement it. After all, the book allows you to plunge into any world for an indefinite amount of time. With the characters of the books, you can experience many events that in reality will be completely inaccessible.

 I started reading books from the 6th grade. Yes, before that I didn’t like this business at all, but I was just small and didn’t understand that books are the whole world. And now, when I am already in grade 10, I realized that I also want to write books.

 And so I was incredibly waiting for the moment when summer would come. Indeed, at this time I had the opportunity to go to my grandmother and in peace and quiet start my creative path. I told my mom that I want to become an author. Of course she supported my decision and gave me a pen and a thick notebook at the end of the school year.

 Arriving in the village with my grandmother, at first I studied the area. I walked along the old paths, got out to the lake, and enjoyed the summer weather. One hot day I started writing.

 I went to the lake, because the smooth surface of the water inspired me. After all, you could go anywhere on the water, and the inhabitants of the water area made me feel free. It was these moments that inspired me.

 At first I didn't know where to start. And in the end I decided to start describing what I see. At first the thought was slow, but afterwards I understood one rule: you do not lead the nib of the pen, but it is you. With this thought, it was no longer I who wrote the story, but he wrote himself with the help of my hand.

 So I spent most of the summer writing various descriptions and adding characters to them. I had a story about a devil, about pirates, about romance. I wrote in many directions and loved it. Arriving in the city, I allowed my acquaintances and friends to read my stories. Friends nodded approvingly, but there were also conversations that it was not mine.

 There were moments of creative crisis, and I thought to give up authorship. For each of my stories, I also received approving criticism, but there were people who said that it would be better not to write it. And so one evening I threw all my notebooks in the bin and went to bed.

 When I woke up in the morning, my notebooks lay on the table. Apparently my mother found them at night and took them back. Getting out of bed, I wanted to quickly throw them out again. But there was a note on them. I recognized my mother's handwriting, and those words inspired me for a lifetime. “I read all your stories that night. There are times where you should work, but remember: it doesn't matter that you fell 7 times. The main thing is that you can get up 8 times. "

 After these words, I began to re-read my stories and try to make them better. I realized one thing that these words refer to many events in life. And it is thanks to them that I am still writing.

Category: 10 grade | Added by: 22.11.2020
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