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School composition

Self-education and the role of education in human life
From the early years of life, we are all the time raising. First parents, then educators, teachers, mentors. Besides, in the education involves not only parents but relatives, and even friends. In addition, we are faced daily with educational books, educational programs and educational TV programs.

Sometimes parental guidance or the advice of friends we are terribly annoying and seems useless. However, with such exhortations and accumulated life experience, the human personality is formed and how they are accepted, independent of his moral characteristics. Most of the knowledge acquired in early childhood, a period during which people absorb information like a sponge.

In different social circles, the education may differ significantly, and those who are trying to put us on the right path, expect that we will make correct conclusions.

According to long-term observations of scientists, children gain experience of the person with whom you communicate most. And in most cases, especially in failed families where parents devote little time to education, children try to be like other people.

A very important role in the upbringing of the individual plays a personal experience and work on yourself. In the period of adaptation a person tries to improve themselves, to do better and more useful for companies, to earn the respect of others.

Thus, education is a very important aspect in human life. And how many do not tell him that education plays an important role, he will always act as it sees fit. Therefore, it is important to understand what it means, and how it can be useful in the future.

Category: 10 grade | Added by: 09.11.2019
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