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School composition

War is a madness that makes you question your mind
 It is difficult to count how many wars our planet has seen. They burst into people's lives and, with their destructive power, change it beyond recognition. But is there any point in war? Why do people kill each other?

 The Great Patriotic War is the most terrible war on Earth. Seventy-five years have passed since the last volleys fired. This war has entered every family, and has not spared mine either. My great-grandfathers went through the war from the beginning to the great Victory Day. They selflessly defended their homeland. My great-grandfather's awards are honored in our family. And my great-grandmothers were waiting for fathers and husbands from the war and worked for the good of the Motherland. About how important it is for soldiers to know that they are awaited, Konstantin Simonov said very accurately in the poem "Wait for Me".

 During the war, people get closer and show their true colors. Someone lives only for themselves, and someone, without hesitation for a second, sacrifices their lives to protect a loved one. Olga Berggolts's poem contains the following lines:

“ With all that is alive in you,
what is terrible and wonderful about life
with blood, flame, steel, in a word,
stop the enemy. Stop!

 These words reflect the invincible fighting spirit that is inherent in the Slavic people. Unfortunately, ordinary people cannot end the war. This is the task of the commanders-in-chief, and in our time politicians. In the history of our country and in literature there are enough frightening examples that show the madness and stupidity of war. The book by Svetlana Aleksievich "War has no woman's face" contains the memoirs of hundreds of women who went through the war. Reading this book, you begin to appreciate and thank life for everything that you have now. The book shows the terrible and ugly face of war, makes you wonder if there is something humane in people who send other people to war.

 In any case, you need to sincerely believe in the best and try with all your might to end any war.

Category: 10 grade | Added by: 13.12.2020
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