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School composition

What helps a person to believe in good
Usually, in childhood, we believe that good always triumphs over evil. A little growing up, we realize that unfortunately, this is not always true.

But at heart we continue to hope that good will still win. We continue to believe in it all, because in the world more kind and good people. Every day, someone towards us, will do a good job. And in society, always to find those who are willing to help other people.

Unfortunately, in some cases, evil is stronger than good. But the good news is that it happens infrequently.

Although, in spite of life's hardships and sorrows, somewhere in the depths, everyone dreams about that evil will be defeated.

I really liked the story "the Wonderful doctor" which was written by Kuprin. Hero works Mertsalov, was in a very difficult situation. He was missing work, money, daughter was on the verge of death.

Mertsalov was almost ready to commit suicide not to see the torment of his child. He was desperate, after all, was not able to help his own daughter. But the appearance in the family of the hero of Professor Pirogov, helped avoid a tragic outcome.

Wonderful Professor was able to save sick daughter Mertsalova. The doctor not only cured Masha, but also gave a certain amount of character to their family would normally exist, proc Mertsalov will not find a job.

Very interesting, but a stranger had intruded into the family and changed her life for the better. After Pies have helped the family Mertsalova, the hero of the story once again believe in goodness. He was able to hope that his family will be happy.

Indeed, in the most difficult time of life, you can help by outsiders.

Category: 10 grade | Added by: 17.12.2019
Views: 302 | Rating: 0.0/0

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