A definite answer to the question "What is happiness?" does not exist. Because happiness is a subjective concept. It so happens that a person has everything: a huge house, a family, a good job. However, he does not feel happy, because he wants to have, for example, a private plane. And the other is a small room in the hostel, and he was happy, because, perhaps, before he had to sleep on the street.
Happiness depends on human needs.
There are people for whom happiness lies in self-realization. To find myself and my favorite thing is really important. How many of us people who love their work? When I in the morning going to school, often pay attention to the faces of adults. In the vast majority they are sullen and unhappy. Rather, they think only about one thing: "I can't wait to work and back home." And all because of the hated work to which they go from day to day. This situation can make a person miserable. It is therefore very important to find yourself and your favorite thing.
For many, happiness is family, children, cosy house. Of course, happiness is to meet a good man who would like to go through life. But it is purely individual. Someone feels happy, creating a family of your own, and giving themselves to the service of other people, such as nuns.
But I guess we can all agree that happiness is when you and your loved ones healthy. No wonder that wishing someone a happy holiday, we wish him health. After all, when a person is sick, many things that seemed to be reason to be happy, seem to be completely unimportant. You just want to get well soon. In such moments I think that in addition to health nothing to be happy and not necessary.
There is a saying that happiness is not in money. Of course, the money itself may not be cause for happiness. But how can a person be happy if he has no money? Because without money it is impossible to get what we need: shelter, food, clothing. And for the preservation of health and amendment necessarily need the money. Therefore, I believe that the financial component is of great importance in the life of a happy man.
I, as probably many of us, happiness is necessary for health, loved ones nearby and a favorite thing with income. It is important to remember that we are the creators of our own happiness.