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A Riot Of Rodion Raskolnikov
The novel "Crime and punishment" written in the era of social change in society in this period was gaining popularity a new worldview. The hero of the new era has become a person with wealth and having a name in society, mental wealth departed on the second plan.

Dostoevsky places the main character of the novel Rodion Raskolnikov in the age of fractured public opinion and makes the search for answers to eternal philosophical and moral questions about the boundaries of individual freedom. In parallel, it is driven by self-centered idea of individualism. He constantly asks about the ability to decide the fate and history, in its sole discretion.

Rodion becomes the Central core of the story, all the plot lines converged on it. He becomes the victim of all the ills and misfortunes, carrying them through the prism of unfair treatment, empathy and the lack of a clear understanding of what to do. And the closest people (history of Dooney), and another (girl on the strip) form the protest and filled with a desire to change the surrounding reality. To accept the rules of modern society Raskolnikov is impossible, for it is the same as to betray himself. In this case, he does not know how to live.

The crime novel has a number of motives. The author presents him as cruel and risky experiment of the protagonist: in a world where impunity reigns "absolute evil" crowd of the indifferent and obedient people, his mission, he feels the right to carry a fair punishment for the rights of Superman. It self is the main element of this experiment.

And the first response to bell is his own response, the response of the soul and heart. Dostoevsky sends the hero to help Sonia Marmeladov, who convinces the student to step over their pride and ask people for forgiveness. However, the crowd does not accept this attempt, thinking that the antics of a drunken man. This was the picture of remorse in the square.

To the final works of Rodion still finds the force required for the resurrection of his soul, is a humanistic basis, along with the support and participation of Sonia, leads to insight, which is the first step on the long way back to the people.

Category: 11 grade | Added by: 20.12.2019
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