About love written many novels, composed a lot of songs. Not without reason so much attention is paid to this feeling. I think love is the Foundation of everything in life. A man without love does not feel happy.
From childhood, we grow in love. Our parents and grandparents rejoice that we were born. They love us genuinely, despite the troubles of life that appears around. This love is transparent, sincere, not demanding anything in return. We, of course, give a feeling back to relatives. We love them a priori.
And there is another love. Such chemical feeling when you suddenly start to love a complete stranger to you man. You become so happy, you begin to see the world in pink glasses. You love, you are ready to scream about my feelings for the whole world.
But if love makes people happier? After carefully considering this subject, I come to the conclusion that no, not always. Love itself — the feeling is excellent. But what if you love the person who dislikes you? It is very difficult to accept this harsh truth. You're falling in love with the person, you begin to fantasize about how you with your beloved will be fine. What are you going to graduate, go to College and then get married. You will have two or three kids and be happy. How to accept the fact that not everything we fantasize come true?
Honestly, it's sad to even imagine it all. After all, people dream of happiness, of any good final love story. If a person in response to his love gets the lack of reciprocity, like him hamstring. It's hard to describe. But man, a moment ago steamed with happiness, as if falls to the ground. Personally, I divide love into good and bad, real and not. If your life has come love, let her go. You love someone and it's great! If you are destined to be with him, sooner or later you will be together. If not fated, then why suffer in expectations? Let go of the situation. Love but don't stifle your love.
But the love of relatives, friends — that love which, in my opinion, grief brings. We love what we are, and we love in response. We don't have something to share and to love violently.
In General, love love discord! Most importantly, do not cease to love!