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School composition

Beauty surrounds us every day

 At all times, people wondered: what is beauty, what can be considered beautiful, and what is not? Each person answers these questions differently. What one considers beautiful, another assesses in a completely different way. But if you look like this, every day we are surrounded by a large number of beautiful things: beautiful buildings of houses, the amazing beauty that nature gives us, the warmth of other people. To be convinced of this, there is no need to go somewhere and look specifically, it is important to just stop and take a closer look at what surrounds you.

 For example, I like the place where I have lived since childhood. My house is one of the ordinary "Khrushchevs". I have lived here since birth and I know everyone who lives in our house. Most of my housemates are elderly people. They know each other well and are even friends. You can often see grandparents walking along the streets together or sitting in our quiet courtyard, talking. They visit each other, and some even celebrate holidays together, support them in difficult moments of life. Their warmth, participation, which, it seems, even passed on to our home. He got his own soul and his own unique atmosphere. Despite the fact that my house does not look very attractive outwardly, the unique atmosphere that reigns in it makes it very beautiful, I always want to return here.

 In addition, the courtyard at my house is also extraordinarily beautiful, regardless of the time. Right under the windows there is a hawthorn mixed with bird cherry bushes. Maples are planted a little further, creating a slight coolness in the summer heat, and decorating our yard with bright colors in autumn. Openwork mountain ash, which also grow here, delight us with bright ripe berries in winter. They are very fond of red-breasted bullfinches and titmouses. Every year they fly to us, sit on the branches covered with frost patterns, and feast on sweet berries. After winter, spring comes to our yard. She gives life to everything that she touches. Buds burst under the bright spring rays and young foliage and the first grass appear. Spring is gradually giving way to summer days. The grass grows thicker, the yard is filled with the fragrance of various flowers.All this makes my yard amazingly beautiful.

 Beauty surrounds us. She is everywhere, you just need to notice how I did it. My yard, my house and the people around me are extraordinarily beautiful.

Category: 11 grade | Added by: 08.11.2020
Views: 197 | Rating: 0.0/0

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