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School composition

Composition based on Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm"

 Russian freedom-loving girl Katerina was given in marriage to Tikhon Kabanov. He was a quiet and kind man, the son of a rich and imperious merchant Kabanikha, who was reputed to be imperious and despotic. Tikhon is a kind, gentle young man towards his wife, which greatly upsets his mother. She is always unhappy with her son's character.

 When she got married, she became thoughtful, wilted. The atmosphere of the unloved house weighed down on her. More and more she wondered why people do not fly. She imagined herself as a bird spreading its wings. Sweep, and she is far from everyone, inaccessible and free, no one has power over her.

 Katerina is a beautiful, dark-haired girl, obeying the merchant's wife in everything, enduring her despotic manners. The girl already regrets that she got married. At home she felt good with her mother, no one burdened her with excessive work. 

 Katya is in love with another guy, hiding this feeling from everyone. Boris is also in love with her. They began to meet in secret. Katerina understood that these meetings would not end well, but she could not help herself: love was stronger. She will take the sin with her. So she decided.

 A thunderstorm was beginning. Tikhon's husband leaves for the city on business, refusing to take his wife with him. He himself was tired of all the troubles introduced into the family by Kabanikha, a domineering mother who demands his despotic actions over Katerina. Tikhon wishes a free holiday away from his family. Boris was exiled to work with a familiar merchant, and then to Siberia. The thunderstorm is thundering! And Katerina does not want to go home to Kabanikha, her husband. She threw herself from the high bank into the Volga, hitting her head on the anchor. She did not want to endure the life that weighed her down from day to day without further development of perspective.

Category: 11 grade | Added by: 06.03.2021
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