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School composition

Crime and punishment Raskolnikov
The novel "Crime and punishment" reveals to the reader the depth of evolution of human souls from following their own theories and beliefs to the awareness of its real place in the world and taking it.

The Central object of the narrative, we see a poor student Rodion Raskolnikov. He's ambitious and talented, but is forced to eke out a miserable existence in society, living by their own laws, where there is injustice and thrive vices: corruption, greed, lack of cooperation, and many others.

Inquiring mind and difficult life circumstances are generating the student the theory of the Superman. According to her, all of humanity can be divided into two kinds of people, those that are useful and have the right to decide the fate, and those that do not have voting rights, but only in vain treading the solid earth. Raskolnikov himself referred to the first, this motivates him to try to change the situation and pushes the crime.

However, the killing of old woman prozentsatz not give the desired result, but just the opposite puts the correctness of the theory in question. The realization of the terrible act tormented by his artist, calls into question the facets of what is permitted. The desire to avoid punishment turns a student into a clever dodgy criminal, pondering each step. The first time he gets, but the punishment is inevitable, it comes from within in the form of the collapse of ideology and the strong pangs of conscience.

The saving light in this way appears Sonechka Marmeladova, who by his example shows a very different way of healing the soul and finding inner guidance. Standing with it on the path of repentance and sacrifice, Rodion finds healing of his soul. Now our hero is acquitted, forgiven and free. Deep psychology works leaves it relevant in any time, because the essence of the human soul unchanging in all times.

Category: 11 grade | Added by: 11.01.2020
Views: 239 | Rating: 0.0/0

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