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School composition

Education determines the future

 Education plays an important role in our lives today. It gives a start to the future, determines what a person will do throughout his future life.

 In our country, many people have a diploma of education in order to be able to get a high-paying job, to be an expert in their field. Higher education is necessary not only for lawyers, managers, programmers, but also for people who work in industry, agriculture and even janitors. Modern technologies require a completely new level of training for specialists in various fields. The latest equipment is used almost everywhere. Employees need knowledge and practical skills to use them.

 We study practically all our life, starting from the very birth. First, a person learns to walk, speak, learns the world around him, gets to know him, then he goes to kindergarten, where he also receives more and more new knowledge. A school and an institute follow the garden. Here each of us acquires basic knowledge that will be useful to him in the future, in his professional activities. However, even having received a higher education, one cannot stop and refuse to study. The knowledge gained must be periodically updated so that it is not lost. In addition, the development of science and technology leads to the improvement of equipment, to the emergence of new data, with which it is imperative to get acquainted and use in your work. Such improvement of the acquired knowledge occurs in the course of professional development.

 Every person living in the twenty-first century understands perfectly well that school education is the basis for further development. Having poor grades at school makes it difficult to enter a university or other educational institution, because during the introductory campaign, the GPA in the certificate is of great importance. However, even those who did not have very good grades in school can successfully build their careers. But this is possible only if they seriously approach the study of any one problem, study it from all sides, and become professionals in this area.

 Each person determines his future, and education is only a building material. It provides important knowledge that can and should be used in later life.

 I believe that no matter what time a person lives, education will always play an important role, as time passes, everything in the world changes. A person also does not stand still, he creates his future with his own hands, and education helps him in this.

Category: 11 grade | Added by: 25.10.2020
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