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School composition

Is it possible to save our environment?
Every day there is a large number of news dedicated to the process of environment destruction. In this case, the problem of ecological disaster is very actual and there are loads of discussions about it. Let us look through various opinions.

On the one hand, pessimists are afraid of our future because humanity destroys the environment within the condition of rapid population growth and technological progress. Human being is becoming more developed and needs more resources: as an example, there have to be five Earths in order to meet all the needs of the USA. In this case, there are some thoughts if it could be useful to explore the space and create some colonies, for example, on Mars or the Moon.

One of the major challenges right now is the increase in world oceans’ water. There are three countries that have the highest point less than 11 meters: Marshall Islands, Tuvalu and Maldives. These states lie on archipelagos and they are going to sink in the nearest future. Moreover, there are a lot of large cities on water: Miami, Venice, etc.; they are going to be under water, too. It means that we need to hurry up in order to make all its inhabitants live in good conditions.

On the other hand, we still have a lot of resources on the Earth and some of them can be renewed, for example, forests. It means that if we use all our resources efficiently, we will be able to save environment. Let us look at the example as paper recycling. Over two million trees are cut down every day in order to make paper. In order to be useful for this purpose, a tree has to be aged more than twenty years but usually new planted trees are cut down within five years.

In my opinion, we don’t have to run from our planet like rats from the ship. It is possible to save our environment but every person has to make a contribution to it. Even eco-oriented education could reduce the amount of rubbish on the streets and make a unique “green” culture. There are a lot of researches on ecologic themes but they are judged with skepticism in a view of their expensiveness. As for me, life on our Earth is priceless and we should respect the place we live in.

In conclusion, nothing is impossible and people just need to understand the consequences of their non-ecological behavior. It is extremely important to let them feel responsibility for their lives and lives of their children because negative effects of such behavior will be long-termed.

Category: 11 grade | Added by: 27.07.2018
Views: 407 | Rating: 0.0/0

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