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School composition

Oblomov and Stolz. Comparative characteristics.

 Human life is very complex and unpredictable. Due to circumstances beyond our control, everything can change in an instant. And yet people can change their lives, destiny by the deeds and actions they do. If a person decides to live, devoting his life not only to himself, but also to others, for their good - such a life can be called not lived in vain. In the end, people will have fond memories of you and your actions in their hearts. A striking example, in Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov's novel Oblomov, is a comparison of the way of life and a different approach to the everyday problems of the main characters.

 Oblomov lives one day, leads a passive lifestyle, not caring about anyone. He spends all the time on the couch, he doesn't care what happens around. In this monotonous life leading to the decline of life, Ilya Ilyich is isolated from the real world and does not want to change anything in it. He wants to work, improve his life by various actions in order to overcome failures and move on. The only useful thing in his life is the birth of a son.

 The son was later raised by his friend Andrei Ivanovich Stolz, who has a completely different character. From childhood he was accustomed to kindness, work and discipline. Andrei Ivanovich is passionate about art and creativity. From this we can draw conclusions about his personal growth. In addition, he has his own private business, where hired people work, and he pays them well. It is difficult to find him at home, as he often travels.

 Andrei Ivanovich did a lot of good in his life, for which other people are grateful to him, unlike Ilya Ilyich Oblomov who lived only for himself.

 Therefore, in principle, an assessment of a person's life is carried out after its expiration. An important criterion is his lifestyle, whether he is useful to others and whether people will remember it.

Category: 11 grade | Added by: 08.11.2020
Views: 244 | Rating: 0.0/0

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