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School composition

Raskolnikov and the crime
One of the most notable works of Russian classical literature is the novel of F. M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and punishment".

The plot is based on the description of the events developing around a young man in a very difficult financial situation, decided to go on the offense, namely murder, in the hope of receiving a large amount of money.

The protagonist – Rodion Raskolnikov, a former student, having a permanent source of income, living in a small room in a poor area of Sennaya square, forced regularly to consult the old woman-a pawnbroker laying in the collateral things. However, dragging more than a modest existence, Raskolnikov constantly visited by thoughts about the superiority of a specific type of people to whom he classifies itself above the majority and this idea becomes so Intrusive that subsequently pushes him to commit a crime.

Inspired by the idea of their exclusivity, Raskolnikov plans to murder an old woman for financial gain, but later in the depths of the soul he tries to alienate the resulting plan, it will begin to torment doubt, is an internal struggle and he decided to commit the robbery.

During the attack, contrary to the existing plan, the old woman becomes not only a victim dies is also not returned on time sister prozentsatz, Raskolnikov lost his nerve, afraid of being caught, captures only part of the values.

The protagonist falls ill and is tormented by delusional visions associated with the crime, however, friends are trying all possible means to help, not knowing about the perfect.

In the future, Raskolnikov recovering, begins to have feelings for one of the key characters of the piece – Marmeladova Sonya, the girl whose hard life has forced her to make at least a difficult choice, sacrificing honor for the salvation of loved ones.

Two in his own unhappy people, find sincere support from each other, which still makes Raskolnikov fully recognise and repent of their deed.

Sonia also learning about the crime, not throwing the killer, but on the contrary, seeing all the need of his support, decides to follow Raskolnikov.

Thus, the work becomes a fertile soil giving birth to their own judgment of the reader, allowing you to decide how perfect the thing was awful, needed or is it a result of the influence of the surrounding.

Category: 11 grade | Added by: 05.01.2020
Views: 227 | Rating: 0.0/0

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