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School composition

Red and black in the life of Julien Sorel
Not that Julien Sorel lived a carefree life. The main character of the novel "Red and black" was born in a provincial town in France. His family consisted of rather narrow-minded working-class people whose main desire was only money. However, for those years it was quite natural. After all, power and wealth were only among the aristocrats and the rare people who were able to achieve success and high status. Because Julien wanted to change this way of life, he became an outcast among workers who were willing to tolerate it.

The family always mocked the sensitive and tender Julien. They were alien to his dreams, his desire to know something useful. However, Julien still wanted to live a better and more beautiful life. His military career, exploits and public recognition beckoned him. And after the defeat of Napoleon, the army was a place exclusively for aristocrats. Ordinary people could only try to prove themselves in theology.

It was here that Julien proved himself, which allowed him to visit the house of de renal, the mayor of the city. But the young man knew very well that this was only the beginning of the road. However, even though this is his only chance to achieve his dream, Julien does not allow the mayor and other aristocrats to mock him, which shows good dignity. And, in addition, pride, which in the future can not only help the main character, but also cause quite a lot of trouble.

Despite his low status, the main character communicated with the aristocracy on equal terms. He was too smart for his age, and his social status, but he didn't have too much willpower. Because of this, he was overcome by a thirst for retribution against his oppressors. That was probably why he had rejected the maid's love. Instead, he chose to become the lover of Louise de renal, the mayor's wife. At that moment, Julien became obsessed with commercialism and arrogance. Unfortunately, Louisa herself couldn't recognize it.

At the Seminary where he went to study, Julien learned the new limits of hypocrisy. There he was met by numerous intrigues of the clergy. Over time, the young man becomes more cunning and cold-blooded. Julien does not realize what he has become until he is in prison for the attempted murder of Louise de renal. The main character really admits his guilt, because despite everything that he did, he still could not kill a person in himself. That's probably why he deserves to be spared. The battle between a proud and calculating man and a tender romantic is the red and black of Sorel's life.

Category: 11 grade | Added by: 06.06.2020
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