Literature contains many examples of revenge. The characters suffer hurt, injustice and deception, and want of retribution. How can we understand the expression “sweet revenge”? Revenge can be sweet when justice is served, when the villain gets his due. The one who wants revenge, he needs to exert efforts to overcome difficulties and to achieve retribution. When the revenge takes place by chance, regardless of the actions of the avenger, it will not be sweet.
The story of the count of Monte Cristo is a bright example of the accomplished sweet revenge. Being slandered by the envious, the sailor Edmond Dantes awaited death in prison. But he has turned a happy occasion in the face of the prisoner in the next cell of the Abbot. He tells Edmond about a treasure. After escaping, Edmond aims at the restoration of justice and revenge the offenders.
After overcoming many difficulties, seizing wealth, Edmond doesn't renounce its goal. It is not the lure of luxury or fun. He craves justice. His enemies had committed villainy: for the sake of your own well being deprived of his freedom, of love. The villains took him all the most precious thing in life. Monte Cristo realizes that you can't forget the betrayal, his honor does not allow you to forgive the evil he caused. The count finds all, who is to blame for his troubles, and makes retribution. In revenge, he says goodbye to the old life, full of anxieties and suffering.
Revenge of the graph can be called sweet, because it frees you from hate and anger. Edmond becomes a different person in thought and deed, justice makes it revenge is sweet and allows you to start a new life.