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School composition

The novel honoré de Balzac "Gobsek"
Gobsek – taciturn and gloomy people. During his life he managed to change a lot of professions and places of work, however, his main goal always was a lot of money. He often traveled the world, managed to visit many countries, and in my life suffered quite a lot: unrequited love, hunger and a lot of other grief. However Gobsek all also longed for self-realization and increase of his fortune.

When meeting with Horsecom he is very old, uncommunicative, and filled with sadness. Of its kind, it is disgusting, but his age does not match. The reason for this is that his desire to earn money compelled him, as if he will live forever.

"Money is the meaning of life. Money can buy everything. Money is a religion which worships the whole world." This statement makes sense, because most people are not interested in spiritual development, culture and high feelings. Such people are only interested in money, to earn which they are ready for everything, even betrayal or treason.

However, even with his controversial ideas Gobsek is definitely a colorful character. He worked and earned money not to spend it on something useful or not, money he would rather "collected".

To moneylenders is often viewed negatively – almost all people call them greedy and immoral deceivers. But few realize that in fact the lender may be a good psychologist and have insight.

Hard to say what Gobsek is a good man. He was greedy, practical and sullen man, but not a fool. Interest Gobsek to usury was not only in earnings, but also the people watching. He wanted to manipulate, to control people, but he ruled them with pleasure. It was especially rewarding when in front of him fell to their knees, even the counts and Countess, and he only scoffed. Because they forgot about a sense of pride to a pawnbroker.

Dying Gobsek became too greedy. He intended to leave all earned, even after death, but it did not work.

In his novel Honore de Balzac shows the victory of the material world over the world of moral, as well as the bottom, which can drop people.

Category: 11 grade | Added by: 03.01.2020
Views: 387 | Rating: 0.0/0

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