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School composition

The relationship of parents and children
Essay on literature for grades 10-11 on the theme "Parental example in our life" / "the Influence of parents on the formation of personality" / "the Relationship of parents and children." The theme can be interpreted in the scope of "Fathers and children" in different ways.

The first people to whom we become attached, which we love and listen to their advice – it's parents. From early childhood, we trust them, know that they are not bad advice, mimic their parents and take example from them. But if this sample is positive, where and when is the boundary for parental influence?

The most important moment in the development of personality is the example of parents to their children. No wonder they say: "do Not raise children, educate themselves, still they will become like you." This statement has some truth, as all children "absorb" values, goals, principles, life and the moral compass that have taken place in their family. Of course, there are always exceptions, for example, in disadvantaged families grow up hard-working children who aspire to improve their lives and do well in school, work with full dedication, do not repeat destiny of my parents, and opposed to it. But, as a rule, children is a reflection of their parents, so it's important that they see a positive example.

In the literature there are many illustrations of how the relationship of parents and children. In the novel "Oblomov", for example, we see that parental example were destructive for the formation of the personality of Ilya Ilyich. A hero with good potential turned into amorphous and infantile man who sadly spends precious days of his life. About childhood Ilya Oblomov, we learn from the Chapter, which describes his dream, rather, is a childhood memory. The inquisitive boy under the influence of excessive parental care and lazy lifestyle loses interest in life, becomes a useless member of society. Stoltz, on the contrary, full of enthusiasm and thirst for life, he's accustomed to hard work and diligence since childhood, he never ceases to open themselves to new horizons. The contrast of the characters shows what is the role of parents ' influence on their children's future.

In summary, I want to add that children should learn to impartially assess the actions of their parents, to draw conclusions and not repeat their mistakes. The formation of a self-sufficient person is very important, and depends largely on ourselves.

Category: 11 grade | Added by: 09.11.2019
Views: 365 | Rating: 0.0/0

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