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Artistic features of the story Bunin "Village"

In the story "the Village" (1910) Bunin reflect changes in the life of Russia, life of peasants and townspeople, a premonition of the death of the peasant village, the death of old Russia.

In the story the author describes a disappointing picture of the poverty of the Russian countryside, the Russian people. Bunin this piece depicts not just the villagers, but the soul of the Russian people (peasants and petty bourgeoisie), its peculiar features, the features of the national character of the Russian people.

A feature of the novel Bunin is the illumination of the darkest sides of life in a Russian village: the brutal manners and customs of the people, the stupidity of rural peasants, poverty, and covers. Bunin is actually the first of his contemporaries showed in his work the life of the Russian people, the Russian countryside without embellishment, absolutely without idealizing it.

In the "Village" there is no clear narrative action of the narrator, there is no clear conflict driving the action. Episodes useless skirmishes with men of impoverished nobles are interspersed with scenes of everyday village life in all its glory. The author describes Dernovka the eyes of their heroes, Tikhon and Kuzma Krasovich. It is through the prism of perception of the characters, through their polemics the reader will be able to see the true face of the Russian countryside. Life in the village during the impending revolution truly deplorable, does not know the ways of further development, we can say that the village is doomed to inevitable destruction. There is no longer any hope for revival. Residents of a Russian village turned into a real savage, stupid, greedy, frightened people who do not have through no fault of their own hopes for the future.

Category: 12 grade | Added by: 04.03.2020
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