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School composition

Generational conflict in Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons"

 The conflict between generations of fathers and children will always exist, whether we like it or not. The new generation, children, will come with their own ideas, rules, worldview that will oppose the ideas of their fathers.

 In the work "Fathers and Sons" the author shows the conflict between Yevgeny Bazarov and the man in the street Kirsanov. The controversy is violent and persistent. The nihilist Bazarov denies love, art, theater. He preaches materialism, denying everything and everyone. Kirsanov disagrees with him, relying on experience and past years, arguing that one cannot live without love, theater. Each has its own position, which is fiercely defended on both sides.

 Until fathers and children come to an agreement, there will be no rest for both sides, there will be confusion, reasoning in their minds. Kirsanov is conservative, does not understand Evgeny, does not want to change his opinion about the eternal foundations of the world, life, soul, does not want changes either in the present time or in the future. Kirsanov does not understand how love, nature can be denied and fundamentally disagrees with this statement.

 The new generation sees a new life, welcomes the wind that brings changes in life, does not support inert attachment and philistinism, lack of development and self-education.

 Bazarov is sure that a person should always strive for knowledge, do something useful for his Motherland, and leave behind something that can be useful to people of the next generation.

 The conflict between fathers and children is eternal, but at the same time we can solve it if both generations come to a common opinion, agreement, and a solution to the dilemma at this stage.

Category: 12 grade | Added by: 15.11.2020
Views: 211 | Rating: 0.0/0

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