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School composition

As I was in the circus
What to do children on winter break? Than to please itself, and to lighten the mood. I love to play in the winter games, sledding and skiing, playing snowballs. But sometimes the frost is so big that on holidays it is impossible to play outside. Then my parents taking me to the circus.

Every child loves a circus and I am no exception. The bright lights of the ramp, enthusiastic applause, a wonderful pastime. Today we arrived early, people were still standing in the lobby. Who bought cotton candy, who took pictures with funny dogs.

When we were allowed to take their seats, we were in a good sector. From these places a great overview of the arena. The presentation began with a carnival, where artists showed their dances in a very beautiful costumes. It was so amazing! Bright fabric fluttering around them, with each piece of clothing. Then were the clowns. They were very funny. Their cheerful rooms were laughing the whole room. They had bright red noses and bright red hair. I was even lucky enough to go to the arena and play with them in game. Dad even took my picture. This is a moment I will remember for a lifetime.

Then performed aerial acrobats, jugglers, gymnasts, magicians. Their rooms were very harmonious and interesting. Each artist had his own tried and very delicious built their rooms.

In the intermission we bought sweets, took photos with the monkey. The second act was very exciting. There were African animals: lions, tigers and elephants. The arena was covered with a special mesh for the safety of spectators. First played lions and tigers with the famous trainer. They showed their skills: walking on a special stand, rolled the balls, jumped. And was shown a deadly number: the trainer shoved his head in the lion's mouth. It was very scary for the person, what if the lion ate him.

Next were the elephants. I really liked them. Such huge animals, but very kind. I can't imagine how they could be tamed? They also showed interesting numbers and even danced! All the viewers were just enthralled by them. Photographing animals is not allowed, it turns out, they are afraid of the flashbulbs. After the presentation I even photographed the elephant.

I'm in the circus is not the first time, but every time I admire the wonderful view. No matter how much I did not go there, I'll be sure to enjoy every room. This is a wonderful moments!

Category: 3 grade | Added by: 01.10.2018
Views: 388 | Rating: 0.0/0

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