My parents laugh at the essay topics we are asked at school. Today I was lucky with a free theme, and I remembered the first time I took the subway. I'll tell you about this.
The fact is that for the first time in the subway I was only in the second grade. Before that, I always drove with my dad. But when I moved to the second grade, my mother felt that my father should no longer drive me, and I should get to school myself. Not that it was the first time, my parents and I used to take the subway, just that day I was there alone for the first time! Although no, my mother accompanied me to the turnstiles. But I attached the card myself, and I drove down the escalator myself!
This is happiness, I tell you! I literally fell into a fairy tale! Nobody bothered me to look at people reading magazines and typing something on their phones. I quietly looked at everyone with all eyes. And I drove to my station. For many days I traveled the same route.
And then I realized that I had a little time. And he began to ride to other stations. That's how I got to know Kievskaya. There is a cafe in the branch crossings! There are people with luggage! With suitcases. And everyone is at a loss how to switch from blue to blue. Even Muscovites get lost on Kievskaya, as well as on Arbatskaya. And there is a cafe there! It's great to drink tea and eat a hamburger there. For some reason, everyone turns to the child - how to get from branch to branch. Probably they think that if a child is alone, he orients himself well in the subway. And they are always in a panic - many just need to go to the surface to the railway station. They are in a hurry, they are carrying their luggage. I know how to get through, and I always accompany me to the escalators myself.
I really like the subway. They say that all kinds of ghosts and monsters are found in the tunnels. Once the train broke down, we stopped in a tunnel.
I'll probably go to work on the subway. But not a machinist and not a trackman. I want to design stations. I even like the attendants near the turnstiles! In the subway I feel like I'm on the spot. Ah, I've been going to school myself for a long time. And at every opportunity, when time permits, I ride to different stations in order to better study the entire metro. I think I will connect my future life with this type of transport. I love the idea of a station cafe. But what to do with people with glasses of coffee and food on trains, I don't know yet, they just leave garbage, they can get dirty by chance. I know for sure that I will start working in the subway. This is the philosophy of the city. The same as in the Harry Potter books! Maybe I will make my own station, and decorate it, as, for example, on the Komsomolskaya figures or as on the Riga mosaic. It's a wonderful underground world where everyone is truly urbanbut imperceptibly change. City under city. This is mysticism, embodied in reality. And we have it every day.