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School composition

My favorite pet (cat)
I love all animals. I like dogs and hamsters and fish and birds, and even rats, but the cat is my favorite animal. Since my childhood I wanted to have a cat, but my parents I wasn't allowed to start it because I couldn't bring myself to care for it. I first saw him in twilight. It was very similar to my favorite hero of the cartoon cat named "woof." And finally, when I was 9 years old my dream came true — I came home a Siamese cat Step. Styopka have a light brown muzzle, dark ears, paws and a long striped tail.a flexible elongated body, large round head, the muzzle bristly mustache, goatee and bright blue eyes. Eye color changes when he gets angry or threatens, pupils become that red, green. The ears of a cat is always on the alert; they catch the slightest rustle.

Steve — the animal capricious. If he's in a good mood, he plays, allows to iron itself, allow another animal to eat from his bowl, but if he has a bad mood, he warns about this kind of meow, then it is better not to touch. Three serious cat fighting. When we were in the village, he fought with all cats. First into a fight he does not enter. At first he seemed to warn: nasty howling voice. Almost a hundred and eighty degrees turn neck; his hair stands on end, and the tail “turns” in the dissolved bristly brush. Pity the opponent had not.He fights until, until the enemy fled. Steve is a very intelligent cat. He learned legs open refrigerator; Cabinet doors; if the door is not closed on the lock it will hang on to the handle until the door opens. Steve likes to watch TV, hunt for lizards, frogs, birds.

He became a member of our family, we really love him and care, and Steve responds in gratitude and love its affection! Him and I became more responsible and caring, and learned a lot of new. And I am grateful to my parents gave the kitten and gave me the opportunity to show another side of yourself. And look at this furball and think how much in this affection. Love and tenderness.

Category: 3 grade | Added by: 01.10.2018
Views: 2024 | Rating: 0.0/0

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