Vitaly is my closest friend. We've been friends for several years. Our acquaintance began with a joint training in section football. We may attend different schools, but we communicate every day. This is because we are interested in communicating with each other and we cheer for a football team "CSKA". We always go to football matches, which take place in our city. I can call him my friend!
Vitalik is very quick and agile guy. He seems older than he really is. This is largely due to the fact that sports and participating in competitions. Vitali is a striker of our team, so it is required high speed. I play Central midfielder. We try to support each other during matches.
Vitaly short, he had brown hair, blue eyes. Not only is he a good athlete but also a student. My friend is additionally engaged in English, goes to music school, piano class. Where once he had taken power to do everything?!
I always try to take an example from his friend. Pull up your English, pay much attention to my studies. We can discuss with each other homework assignments, solve complex problems, to discuss the latest football events.
Sometimes go to each other's homes. My parents are happy when Vitaly comes to our home.
We try to meet up with the boy as often as possible. Not only during visits to our practice Cup. I hope our strong friendship will accompany us throughout life.