Man cannot live without society. Without people to man it becomes extremely difficult. The historical path of humanity suggests that people need communication. Life together with people carries benefits and allows you to survive in any situation. Together with other people is easier to get food, to defend himself from the attacks of enemies. Since the advent of industry and agriculture, people needed a greater number of workers.
Now it looks natural, that to live among people much easier. Of course, there are a number of people for whom living among the people brings some discomfort. They do not tend to socialize with other people and spending time surrounded by the noisy company. But this does not mean that they are not going to live among the people. The ascetics who renounce worldly life, are very rare. Most people want to live surrounded by people who have similar interests, worldview.
You need to remember that people live in society, you should follow some rules and laws. These are specially designed to ensure that each person in society was safe and comfortable to live. For example, it is impossible without the demand to take someone else's property, to insult people. When communicating with each other need to be polite.
Alas, not all people are willing to abide by the generally accepted rules. There is the police who have detained criminals.
Each of us has loved ones, relatives and friends. It is impossible to imagine our life without them. That all was to live comfortably, we just need to take care of each other.