Man and nature are closely interrelated. If nature once could exist without man, man cannot live separately from nature. It created the first ancestors of the people occupying an intermediate position between APE and man - propitki, Tripitaka, the Australopithecines, etc. They were engaged in gathering and hunting, felt his own dependence on nature. When the hunt is "failed" - people were starving. A drought and frosts to endanger their lives. Various tribes worshiped the spirits of nature.
Over time, people have different techniques, allows you to put your own culture, there is the farm, was built the factories that produced the necessities of a station producing electrical energy, pererabatyvaya oil and gas... People started to think that natural resources are infinite and humanity is dependent on nature less.
However, mankind has not thought about the reverse side of the coin. Tons of garbage produced per year, contaminated soils, toxic releases from facilities and, as a consequence, acid rains that destroy nature, buildings, sculptures in cities, the ozone hole over Antarctica, the greenhouse effect (the formation of excessive amounts of carbon dioxide from the combustion of fuel), endangered species terrestrial and marine animals... That's the result of all human activities that have adverse effects not only on nature but also on the people themselves. Without the ozone layer the dangerous effects of the sun's rays and loss of life is inevitable in the world.
Deforestation - the main sources of oxygen leads to the shallowing of rivers.
Today, people gradually began to realize their dependence on nature and the need to care about her own life. They are tired of the polluted environment, polluted atmosphere, they need clean water, clean air, beautiful and diverse nature. Yes, nature conservation is a complex task, but together humanity can achieve this goal. The sooner we start to move towards her, the easier it will be to restore nature.