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School composition

My class
Essay for 4 class "My class"

I'm a schoolgirl and the schoolgirl 4 classes. I really like our school life and I enjoyed coming to class. But not only the subjects are so attractive to me, and even our very fun and friendly class.

In our school it is customary to strive to be the best in school, everyone wants to succeed and have good grades. All the students in my class also want to be successful, but this does not prevent us to be friendly. We are very close-knit team and always help each other, support all. I think this friendship could come out of nowhere, we were taught to be friends with our teacher. She is so kind and helpful, for us it is like my own mother. She always taught us the wise things, and especially helped us to know friendship.

Though we are all so different, but common interests we share. We can be hard to tell a weak student a new topic, but can jokingly someone to tease. We envy can admire one girl from the class, and with zeal to take the bully. But still, never give offense to anyone of our classmates.

Of course, there were in our class and all sorts of petty quarrels, but the teacher helped us successfully overcome. And sometimes it happens that they fought with children from another class. But our boys did not rush into the fray, they are able to defend their position by force of words, and we girls are also in favor of them.

After class we walk together to walk to the Park or to the Playground. We have a common topic and we can talk for hours. Even sometimes during class, talking, not like our teachers. Very much want to tell each other after the weekend. Everyone has the news, someone went somewhere to rest and someone had a birthday.

During breaks in the warm time of the year we run out to the street and play different outdoor games, and it happens that time to compete with other classes. Sometimes the boys play phone games, and girls talk and have to bring their dolls. And winter break is a great joy. Little we throw snowballs, and a large change of the shape of snowmen. Then all the batteries of the class busy with our mittens.

The teacher gives us a lot of gigs and all sorts of holidays, we dance, we sing. There are competitions for girls or boys.

In our class there is a leader, he's a boy. In love with him all the girls. He's so beautiful and fun, excellent learning, dancing, singing and playing football. He's all I want to be friends and girls, even excitedly asking, so he helped them carry the backpack. But he did not look at anyone, says you first need to go to College.

That's my interesting class.

Category: 4 grade | Added by: 01.10.2018
Views: 355 | Rating: 0.0/0

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