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School composition

A letter to a friend

Hi, dear Ira!

We are with you so long time no see. I am very sorry that you left. You were very fun and interesting to play. Now to me this is clearly not enough. And remember, as we chatted on the way to school? How many cool topics to discuss, now it is not so.

Want to tell a little about yourself. On summer holidays the whole family went to the village to grandma and grandpa. It was fun, after all, a field for the imagination of the child in the village is very large. Together with my sister we came up with all sorts of games and entertainment. In addition, we were taught to weed the grass and feed the rabbits. Grandma's puppies appeared and we tried to train. However, this proved a very difficult task, because they are domestic dogs and do not understand the command. But it was still fun. They are funny and fun. I chose a pet and named him Rex.He has big white ears and a thin tail with black tip. Torso Rex beige color with patches of black. He's a real hunk!School essays

In addition to pet me my grandmother love garden. There are many wonderful fruit trees. It is possible to climb and eat fruits directly from the branches. It makes the berries even tastier! In addition we had a picnic under an Apple tree. She covered us from his sight from the searing summer sun. My sister played it a lot in veterinarians and agronomists until this splendid tree kept our peace.

After the village we had planned a trip to the sea. That's why we languished waiting for two weeks with my grandmother. The sea is my passion. I love to swim and dive. The only thing that could spoil your holiday - it's a jellyfish and mosquitoes. Here a lot of them! But we just happened to hit at a time when jellyfish drifted far from the shore during previous storms and the mosquitoes were not. Here it is - happiness! We swam in the sea for hours and we just don't really had to pull out of the water. We left only to eat and relax. The feeling of freedom and endless happiness filled me at that moment.

Okay about yourself. How are you doing? What do you do now? How was your holiday? When the letter comes to you, it will be September. And I do not want to go to school! The endless lessons and assignments! Well, nothing, right. I wish you an easy and fun studying and good mood throughout the school year. Oh, and don't forget to write me more often. So I wonder how you're making out and how are you doing. I hope for a speedy response. Write. Call.

With best wishes, Anya.

Category: 5 grade | Added by: 04.10.2018
Views: 513 | Rating: 0.0/0

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