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School composition

A trip to my grandfather (How I spent my summer)
How I love summer. Began all your favorite summer vacation. Each of us have planned your vacation. A lot of guys from our class are leaving in camps, and then with their parents at sea. I've been waiting for tomorrow trip to a favorite grandfather. I miss him so much, rare to it is impossible to arrive. He lives in a remote forest village, and we are hundreds of miles away, in a big city. Grandmother unfortunately died long ago, and all jobs remain on it. In the morning we drive to his village. The road was coming to us very long, but it was worth it.In advance, we stocked up on Goodies and went. We drove for exactly one day. Outside the window constantly changing scenery, passing small towns and forests. On arrival in the small town my parents moved into a minibus and back on the road. We had to go another 2 hours. The bus was constantly shaking, the road was very difficult. The village my grandfather was way up in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of a pine forest. For me the trip to him is like an adventure.

Finally a decrepit bus drove us to the destination. Before us opened a magnificent view, surrounded by large pine trees. The sun was shining bright, illuminating everything around it. The air was a distinct smell of pine branches. And in the distance stood a lone house where my grandfather lived. Naturally we sped to see their loved one. By the way, my parents decided not to tell about our arrival, let it be our appearance a surprise for him. And here we stood on the front porch.Long we knocked and finally the door opened and before us stood a little hunched man. To his eyes I saw tears, the surprise was a success. Hugging and kissing all of us we entered the house. Surprisingly the house was clean, as though waiting for guests. The house was built of wood, this much construction material they have. When he was young, he had built with his own hands.

After a grueling road, grandpa offered to eat. On the table, he applied his signature soup with beets and bacon. I already forgot what it tastes like. Only grandpa can make it. After a hearty lunch, my grandfather went to the river. There I saw my friends who came to their home. It was a great start of my vacation. And tomorrow grandpa promised me to go to the forest for mushrooms and berries, as time was heavy rain. And mushrooms this forest is rich, and grandfather I have handy to collect them. So looking forward to tomorrow and the following days of your holidays.

Category: 5 grade | Added by: 04.10.2018
Views: 474 | Rating: 0.0/0

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