Writing-a description for the theme "Autumn", 5-th class
Here come the second month of autumn - October. September gold was replaced with bright crimson. Chasing the wind above ground dry leaves – now is the sad time of autumn defoliation.
Dressed in purple clothes beautiful maples on the edge of autumn. Sadly they bow their branches, as if sorry for them that come October. Soon all their fancy colorful decoration will spread around the world the ruthless cold wind, and will remain, the maple trees stand without leaves, completely vulnerable to the coming winter.
Only spruce and pine do not worry about the cold weather. That summer, in autumn they are in their clothes from the needles, and not a single gust of wind won't blow their prickly needles. Severe North beauty of their usual frost, even the cold winter is not terrible for coniferous forests.
Among high rugged pine trees seem to be such a delicate thin Golden birches. Bright flashes lit up they are inaccessible greens grove. But their drooping branches of the birches, too sad that winter is approaching. Just a little bit, and fall off their little Golden leaves. Even the mighty majestic oaks Laden with acorns, be sad come October.
Just without leaves are fragile thin osinki. Under the weight of bright red berries bent the branches of the rowans. Occasionally fly little birds to feast on rjabinovyj berries – the last gifts of the past summer.
And in the sky, high above the ground, are the extensive cranberry wedges. Spread over the world their sonorous cries. The cranes fly South, slowly flapping their huge wings. Long to fly, but spring will return their huge flocks.
Not only the cranes fly away. Left parks beautiful white swans. Wild duck, I hasten to leave the cold lakes and rivers, because soon the frost will forge ice surface waters. But cities are fun to Twitter restless flocks of sparrows, walk on roofs talkative pigeons, and the branches of grim sit a ruffled crow. Carefree city birds are not in a hurry – all winter they would spend in town with us.