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School composition

City of professions
This summer parents made for me a wonderful surprise. We went by train to the beautiful city, where was launched the project "City of professions". This is a very exciting journey I will remember for a lifetime.

To allow the children to work in a city for a start it was necessary to obtain a passport. Each child wrote out a document, and you can go to earn money. In the first place I ran to work as a fireman. It was so cool! These firefighters put me in the same form as they have taught me how to extinguish the fire, work with fire-extinguisher to save the man from the fire. I did a good job and earned the first money.

Then I experienced the profession of Communicator. It was very interesting to learn about all the means of communication and try to include them yourself.

Still loved working as a lifeguard. The specialists of this profession are very brave and will help in a difficult situation for anyone. 

Next was the specialty of forensics. It was all very difficult, because in order to understand such complex science, you need to study a lot. But now I know how to take fingerprints.

Work in the mounted police was fun. On horseback it was necessary to patrol the area, which hosted this project. The horse was calm and well obeyed the rider.

I fell in love and the work of the canine, which was difficult, because the training of service dogs is a difficult matter. The dog's name was Jess and she showed us all kinds of tricks and their skills. I liked it so much that now the parents are asking to have a dog.

Fascinating was the profession of pastry chef. Using a special cream I decorated the gingerbread snowman. It turned out so beautiful it was a pity.

The job of a pharmacist involves the sort of toy drugs in the pharmacy. Pharmacists told us the history of medicines and their properties.

Pleasure brought the work of a lumberjack. With the help of a real chainsaw and I sawed the trees. I was helped by a skilled lumberjack, and I wore special protective equipment.

And this is only the most basic professions that I tried.

On this project I gained quite a lot of toy money, which are then exchanged for Souvenirs of this day. The choice of occupations was very large, had seventy-five names. I walked only twenty, the rest is just not strong enough.

I am very grateful to my parents that gave me such a wonderful day, where I tried many new things. The memory left a lot of beautiful pictures.

Category: 5 grade | Added by: 03.10.2018
Views: 461 | Rating: 0.0/0

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