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School composition

Essay about space
In the coming year will mark a significant date – 55 anniversary of the flight of the first man - Yuri Gagarin into space. Date 12 APR 1961, begins a new milestone in the life of our planet. When it became clear to all that man is able to transcend the boundaries of your permanent place of residence that the boundaries of its expanding to unimaginable proportions.

With special pride we would like to say that a Grand role in this discovery was played by the representatives of the Ryazan land. Everyone on hearing the names of Nikolai Fedorov and Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, who became the founders of the Russian "space of thought". 

Why, in fact, the Ryazan region have been brought "road to space"? Perhaps, all because of an unusual aura surrounding this place? Seeing the "Ryazan freedom", they breathed pure air, admire the poetry of these places, it is impossible not to think of something higher and eternal.

Perhaps such thoughts summed up N. F. Fedorova, born in Ryazan province, to the formation of the idea of "Russian cosmism" - a theory which gave rise to a thorough study of the cosmos. Philosopher Fedorov believed that person - the carrier of a higher power that feeds the entire Universe. On this basis, the man, and was entrusted with the main mission, the storage integrity and building connections between all the galaxies and their planets.

This also was thoroughly convinced and another famous native of Ryazan, whose name everyone should know - K. E. Tsiolkovsky. He was born in the land of Ryazan and since childhood have been forced to spend a lot of time alone with nature and his bold thoughts.

Inquisitive and daring young mind of Constantine led him to great ideas – Tsiolkovsky, one of the first scientific methods began to introduce ideas about possible infestations by the people of other planets in the Galaxy. He believed in positive force of mankind which is able to transform not only humanity, but all the rest of outer space.

But in the Ryazan region there are a couple of the world famous "outer" names. For example, brothers Utkin Alexey and Vladimir. Under their leadership, has developed a major missile complexes, which allowed us first to send a man into space and considered the strongest power in the world.

In this regard, I would quite confidently say that the road to space for humanity, I gave the Ryazan land. Natives "ryazanschine" - Tsiolkovsky, Fedorov and brothers Utkin, were at the forefront of space exploration, besides embodied many of the most important space projects. But, I assure you that in this list should itself Ryazan, which was the progenitor of this "road to space".

Category: 5 grade | Added by: 04.10.2018
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