Essay for grade 5 on the topic of "Difficult or easy to do good?" (The parable of the good Samaritan)
One day Christ asked: "who is my neighbor?". To this question he told the story of a man who fell into the hands of robbers, and was severely beaten. Passed by the priest, perhaps he thought he was a dead man. According to the laws of the Jewish faith, he is forbidden to touch a dead body, and he passed.
On the occasion also took place and the Levite. Leviticus is assistant priest in the Jewish services, they had the right to teach the people the Scriptures. Meanwhile, he just walked past, leaving the wounded no help. This man knew Scripture and commandments, but ignored them.
The third man was "the most unworthy" of all the people was considered the most unclean, to touch him was a desecration, this nation was the Jews worse than the Gentiles, meanwhile, they professed a similar faith. And here that "nasty man", "unclean Samaritan" - provides assistance to the wounded. He treated his wounds, and leaving the hotel, told to take care of him and even paid for the stay of the patient in it.
After finishing the parable, Jesus Christ asked which of them middle? It said that this is the one who did a good deed. Jesus said "go and do it."
The meaning of this parable, all three was neighbor to the victim, all three knew the commandments, and only one of them had grace. The one who was the most "unworthy" of them - showed an example of a decent and reputable how to do good.
The parable is not only religious but also social value, if you look closely at the characters in the story, we find them and in society. "Priests" are those who, because of any inhibitions, and their own beliefs, I don't want to help people in distress. "The Levites" are those who out of selfishness, or indifference do not want to help another. But "the Samaritans, it is those few who want to help, they are few, but they are there, they help other people are just so unselfish, but these people, like the biblical Samaritan, cannot pass.They also heal our evil world, infusing in him a modicum of that good, making it nicer.