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School composition

How I spent my summer
An essay on the topic "How I spent summer", 5th class

Finally ended another school year. Ahead of expected a long and exciting summer vacation. For each student, the summer holidays are the best, because they continue for three months. How is it that a lot. During this time, you good rest, to do their favorite things.

Anyway summer is very good. Each day you can walk to the river, where it is very fun to splash in the water. Every day you can eat fruits and berries, spend time on the street. Summer on the street a lot of guys here do not get bored. Can all day to play various games.

The first day of summer vacation I just slept until lunch. I really wanted to sleep. It is so tired to get up every morning and go to school. But I soon tired of lying in bed. And I decided not to miss a single summer day. Each day of the holidays I will be conducting interesting and useful.

To begin, I decided every morning to run to the forest and back. It's so good for health, and the figure will be better. After my run I had Breakfast and helped his parents on the farm. In the summer, always a lot of work: you need to weed the garden, participate in the harvesting of hay for the winter. When berries ripen, is required to collect them.

As the parents had a vacation, I tried to fulfill all their orders. After work they wanted to rest a little.

In the afternoon, almost every day I'm with the neighborhood kids went swimming. What fun it is to hide in the water from the hot sun. After swimming was so good, there were new forces.

In the evening we met with the guys near our house. We had a swing, horizontal bar. And I with my friends was fun to play here. We especially loved to play dodgeball. Was split into teams, and began to knock each other out. It was very interesting.

In the middle of the summer holidays at our village came to my cousins in the city. With them became even more interesting. In the afternoon we worked in the garden. And in the evening walked on the street.

In the weekend we went to the forest to barbecues. And often went to fish.

Summer is the best time of the year. So I want to over the summer holidays.

Category: 5 grade | Added by: 17.08.2018
Views: 457 | Rating: 0.0/0

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