If I were a man, I certainly would do everything to never have war. For that I need a lot to learn, and to occupy a high position in the country.
Many of my friends say they want to grow faster. I thought so too, but then I realized that childhood is the best time of life.
When I grow up, you will certainly become a famous person. If I was great at the moment, I would have stopped the war all over the world. I'm sorry that today people do not value their lives and the lives of those who live next to them. So many soldiers die and their relatives then suffer the rest of your life. Still, I would very much like to legislate severe punishment for all murderers and maniacs who bullied old people and small children. They should not be in prison. It so happened that my grandmother Valya beat teenagers to take her already meager pension.Mom is very strongly influenced by, because grandma died, could not bear it. For the sake of some cents people are willing to kill a man. Isn't it scary?
If I were a man, I certainly would open and the animal shelter. I really feel sorry for them. Sometimes walking down the street and meet a pack of dogs, hungry and cold. I'm always in that case give them your own sandwich.
What I don't like is the fact that adults almost never rest. My parents are constantly at work, coming in late, and they even for me there is no time. They don't have time. And how can you live in such a rhythm? I guess if I was an adult, I would have corrected this situation and made sure that parents talked more with their children. To do this, I would have made shorter work days, to work eight hours in all areas of production and Economics.
Being large I will lead a family, and I have three children - two girls and a boy. I've been looking for. And, of course, we'll buy a good big dog breed shepherd. She will be a faithful friend and companion for all of us.
I have a lot of desires that I wish to be when I grow up. The only to do that, you need a lot of work on themselves, learn well and achieve their goals. Every person who has reached a certain age, dreams of something else. As I wrote above, I will fight for peace, kindness and love. Were more such people now, because until I grow up, won't even so much bad, but at the moment it is all avoidable.