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School composition

Kindness and compassion
We reflect on the theme of mercy. Initially, the charity is able to help others, willing to make sacrifices for the people and selflessly doing good deeds. I think this is a very important quality required by each person and which is so lacking in our time. Mercy is often associated with divine faith and religious responsibility, but this is not always so. Not only the believer can possess the compassion, but also the ordinary people. It happens that someone believes in God only because it should be accepted in society, trying to earn eternal life or the approval of others.But if a person believes deeply and sincerely, fulfilling all the commandments from the heart – his mercy becomes real.

In my opinion, most merciful can only be called truly selfless and courageous people. As for example happened in the war, when nurses rescued the wounded and carried the dead in a hail of bullets, moral support, not expecting any gratitude and glory. Much left unknown heroes, thanks to whom we now can live in peace.

In our time when everything is constantly changing, and complicated relationship to many things, kindness and mercy go into the shadows, instead of compassion and understanding – people prefer a ruthless business and personal happiness. Very rare to find merciful people as if it has lost relevance and meaning. Very few people will respond to a stranger help an elderly person on the street, the beggar or orphan, to visit a seriously ill person. Has become a fashionable brand among the rich to create public assistance funds, raising in this way your ranking and receiving various discounts to their enterprises. Is it real charity?And those who truly want to help – more often than not can do it financially, but they are spiritual heat saves the poor soul. This support and understanding is much more important.

Look at the faces of others, and often you see in their eyes the despair and the sadness, indifference and fatigue from loss. Very little smiling, cheerful people that charge all optimistic and cheerful mood. All found more concerned with politics and frowning.

We must not lose the relief, the ability to enjoy life and to share it just like that, even if not everything went smoothly all around. You can not live only one day, hinging on problems and forgetting the others. After all, a simple smile warmed you people – can make the world a much happier and brighter. Good always giving good returns and the world is a reflection of ourselves.

Category: 5 grade | Added by: 03.10.2018
Views: 431 | Rating: 0.0/0

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