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School composition

My favorite animal (cat)
Grade 5. An essay on the topic "My favorite animal".

Interesting topic for the composition. Where to begin? I must take as its starting point the moment when my life came the same favorite animal.

Once when I had a cold and a high fever, I managed to persuade the home to give fluffy, maintenka cat. Entreaties were successful and now - I have a black and a terrified new resident. The pen he was given, but then... Where does not look - there's my cat! He seemed to just disappear! We all just searched and figured he accidentally ran out of the house, when no one was looking. My disorder was not the limit - I had experiences in his life, because here he knows nothing. We don't even have time to think of his name.

 Так прошло несколько дней. Были потеряны все надежды на то, что он найдется. Еще и, как назло, позвонили бывшие хозяева с целью поинтересоваться, как там поживает котик. Мы, конечно же, их не решились расстроить.

But then one night when all were asleep, something jumped on the window and woke me with his sudden rustle. It was my cat! It was a real surprise! It turned out that all this time he hid under the wardrobe and because of its fear, just did not respond to our entreaties to come and eat. There he was again and hid. But still the fish it managed to attract me. Surprisingly, the frightened guest first decided to palashitsa to me, and only then began to eat. From this point we had formed a strong friendship.His name we gave Jackie (in honor of actor Jackie Chan, because he was also very smart and resourceful).

He was my closest and favorite friend. His eyes always read the love for me and appreciation. We were bound to each other and gave so much tenderness as he could. Jackie was an excellent hunter - he caught all the mice that have decided to stay at our house. My sweet and tender carnivore had a wonderful dexterity and superb speed.

Time passed, and my cat was beautiful and volelyball male. He went for a walk, made friends with the neighborhood cats, but only those who he loved. Their territory, he diligently guarded and not permit the infiltration of strangers. In short, in the courtyard of order prevailed. Jackie became our family member. He helped to relax after a hard day, purring and doing massage with its soft and fluffy paws.

But our idyll was abruptly interrupted last fall. Jackie went for a walk and never returned. We, of course, believed to the last that he'll be back soon. But this, unfortunately, did not happen. We never saw this faithful friend - he was gone forever... Bitter about this and really want to cry, but nothing changed. The only thing that calms me is that maybe he is where he is now, he must be good, because it gave me such a loyal and loving friend and I believe they deserve happiness.

Jackie remained in my life the most beloved and best animal.

Category: 5 grade | Added by: 03.10.2018
Views: 457 | Rating: 0.0/0

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