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School composition

My favorite holiday (New year)
Winter is coming. This is the time of vacations, holidays and gifts. In the winter we celebrate many holidays, among them Christmas, old new year, Epiphany, birthday parties, and our favorite holiday – New year. When I was little, I liked to celebrate his birthday. Over time, the charming Christmas atmosphere has conquered, inspired me and everyone around.

Everyone is preparing for Christmas holidays - these General pleasant chores make us joyous and the happiest. New year was special for me. Even if in December for Windows, there's no snow and frost, I still believe that falls white fluffy snow, and the frost painted window painted monograms. Preparing for the Christmas magic, we start about a month before the holiday: buy a new toy, we choose the rain, the serpentine and make Christmas decorations with their hands. Also important is the festive Desk and festive menus.We always stipulate that we will prepare, taking into account the wishes of each.

I like to decorate the Christmas tree, it's hard to imagine new year without this beautiful girl. New year is incredibly pleasant not only to receive gifts but to give to their family and friends. The choice of gifts for loved ones is a long process, because it is those people for whom you always want to choose the best and necessary.

And new year's day is always a wonderful occasion to visit grandparents, godparents and other relatives who have not seen, to visit. When finally comes our magical holiday, I believe that my heart's desire, hidden under the chiming clock, will come true. 

Tree, gifts, laughter, shining bright lights – all this makes the holidays the most wonderful and unforgettable for all.

Category: 5 grade | Added by: 04.10.2018
Views: 535 | Rating: 0.0/0

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