They say that our home is where we live. But I think such a statement is not entirely true. Because no matter where a person lives, his soul is still there, where he grew up. Only in the city where she spent her childhood, after the particle of his native land.
I grew up in a small town, which abounds with chestnut trees. It is so beautiful and amazing when blooming chestnuts. All the passers-by enjoy beautiful review and enjoy the sensual aroma. Our town is surrounded of beautiful flowers and planted them, not the city, but the people themselves. Just all the people like beauty and aesthetic appearance.
Our town appeared a long time ago. Here were vast wheat fields, and therefore called his Pheniciens. They occupied a vast territory. When work begins in the field everywhere heard the buzz of machines and harvesters. People work all day, despite the fatigue.
In our town there is a huge kaolin plant. To buy its products, many States, as a component of kaolin, is present even in cosmetics. Many of our residents work there in three shifts.
We also have a kindergarten and two schools. There evolve and grow my friends and acquaintances. Our school taught famous astronaut, two of the honorary medical oncologists, one athlete, a poet and one researcher. Though it's a small town, but our teachers do their best. They want their students had grown smart and educated people.
We also have the railroad. We are proud of, because not all cities available. The station is small, but interchange trains is huge. We can go anywhere. There are high-speed trains, trains and of a freight train. My grandfather worked on this railroad and once took me on a locomotive. I will remember it for life.
We have a cinema, shops, post, Bank, many cafes. Unfortunately, there are no entertainment centers in the city, but nothing. There is also the Palace of culture. Here there are a lot of children to various clubs. I go to choreography. We perform at many concerts not only in our city but in other cities. Our city is proud of its artists.
But the main pride of our small town is its people. They are kind, fair, neat, friendly. Always come to the aid of each other. It is our people doing everything to the town was prospering and life was great.
I love the place where she was born, will never be the city it is better.