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Pioneer Camp

Summer 2023


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School composition

Summer vacation
Hooray for the holidays! You can sleep all you want, to play, to have fun with friends! I love to relax in nature. And on these holidays we got together and went into the forest, taking with him the tent. A beautiful forest, near Smolensk. The weather was beautiful all three days that we spent there. The river was deep, so my mother had forbidden me to go very far. But I had fun and on the shore, I chased dragonflies, Amarok, even had to see a squirrel, she was so funny jumping from branch to branch that I was funny. We had a fire, roasted meat.

Me and dad found a suitable place to play volleyball and pulled the net. Played with the whole family, mom, dad, little brother, he was so funny to hit the ball past constantly, it was so much fun that even I felt his joy. Every day in nature I spent in such a serene state that it is not noticed, as were these three wonderful days for me. But during these three days I managed to gather up a few different stones, to make the application of a variety of leaves to make a bunch of photos. But before leaving home after a holiday, we thoroughly cleaned everything, put out the fire and took out the trash.And decided to leave a message in case if someone will be here to rest. Wrote the text..."friends reading this note, you must stay after to clean up, not to hurt animals, not to neglect the fire, to avoid fire. Thank you. Have a good rest." Put in a small bag and shoved it in a crack of wood, but I can see them and mom and dad promised my brother that we'll come back next year and look at the clean and read our message.

Once home, I mourn a little bit that so quickly ended the camping, but my mom cheered me, come on, let's go to the sea. My vacation was full of active fun and informative recreation. But most of all, I certainly liked the camping. After all, where better than in nature one can feel free from all worries, in my case school. I really liked my vacation.

Category: 5 grade | Added by: 03.10.2018
Views: 556 | Rating: 0.0/0

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