Essay for class 5 on the theme: "There is a word "silence"..."
Silence... Such a unique concept and the magic word. How much you can hear and feel in silence. It so happens that only she can fill the whole world with the sounds you need. We are sometimes dying to plunge into her bottomless sea. It allows you to hear your own feelings, understand their feelings and experiences. Sometimes only silence is possible to drown out the swarm of thoughts in my head, which does not focus on the Essentials. And sometimes it helps to think about something, without being distracted by extraneous sounds.
Мне нравится слушать пространство, в котором нет ничего. Кажется, что ты находишься в космосе, в котором все существует в полной тишине. Мне кажется, что именно в абсолютном беззвучии создаются шедевры. На самом деле, отсутствие звуков только способствует творению чего-то очень чистого и совершенное, ведь отсутствуют побочные вмешательства из внешнего мира.
Бетховен, например, смог создать свою "Лунную сонату", будучи глухим. Он сумел услышать звуки прекраснейшей мелодии в полной тишине. Меня восхищает этот факт. ведь эта пьеса - одна из моих самых любимых.
And what lovely and sweet we dream, when nothing is distracting me and not making a sound. Our body is resting in perfect peace and we, as the batteries are recharged, we need energy. Sleep comes to us and dip in the unmatched set of dreams that contribute to the sometimes the solution to our problems in reality. Many artists, thinkers, writers, sculptors have managed to dream up their masterpieces and then to recreate them in reality.
But let's imagine for a moment that our world has gone quiet. From saturation sounds we will begin to have a headache, it will be difficult to solve important problems that require maximum concentration, sleep will not strong, and hence will not bring enough energy for our full existence. And this is only a superficial analysis of what could happen in this case. How not cool, and without silence we are not to live, because in nature there is nothing superfluous. It is a phase of the reboot, which simply requires everything in our world.
I love to write poetry. But, as a rule, I can create interesting rhyme only in silence, when nothing prevents to concentrate, to think about a given topic and to delve into their own experiences.
In order to summarize, I want to say that in nature there must be balance: we need both ambient sounds and silence.