Were in the world two brothers named John and Nicholas. They both loved to read a lot of interesting books, so I often visited the municipal library. So they went to change the books to enjoy the new stories. Came home and sat down to read. Then Ivan and found on the back cover of the book is old, yellow and tattered zakladok. Surprised one of the brothers with this finding and unfolded the old paper. It was barely visible a picture. Called Ivan Nicholas and together they began to study the find. It turned out that this is an ancient map with notes.
Stunned, the brothers realized that the found the map will lead them to the treasure. They gathered in a distant way. Picked up a shovel, rope and a flashlight. Finished packing and drove off. Long walked our guys through the woods and fields, crossed the river and crossed the streams. And gave their card to a lonely well. Beaten to it on the Board was written: "Who came here, he did the right thing. This well is magical and fulfills all wishes. But the reward will go only to those who are pure soul and the evil will be punished well!".The well was very old, and the inscription on a rotten plank and barely Peeps, so dismantled Ivan and Nikolai letters to the crown.
It was dark and it was midnight the night. The brothers began to think about how to act: ask well about something or not to risk it and go home. Long argued and remembered their misdeeds, but ultimately did not come to a consensus. Decided to sleep and early in the morning for anything to be resolved. At the first sun rays Ivan and nick fell to his knees and asked did the well to fulfill their desire. Echo answered them and asked them to articulate dreams. Then the brothers and announced that he wanted to participate personally in the adventures of the characters they read in books.Spun and spun all around and our two brothers ended up among my book friends. Long they travelledon the pages of books. Visited countries, visited the sea and mountains, sneaking into the woods and through the desert. Tired the brothers to exhaustion of forces, and warned his world.
In an instant Ivan and Nikolai found himself in his library with the old card in hand. They turned it in several times and secretly put into the first book - now let other lucky people will experience their fate. Took the brothers a new book and went to his home. Long now they will remember their trip, and all thanks to books and the magical well of knowledge.