What are the actions of peers cause my admiration?
Grade 5. An essay on the topic "What are the actions of peers cause my admiration?"
Can children do things that are worthy of respect? Of course you can. I can tell you some episodes from my life.
Однажды в зимний период мы вышли на улицу во время перемены. Было очень скользко и холодно, но мы решили немного поиграть. На школьном дворе было много детворы, которая весело играла. Вдруг мы увидели старенькую бабушку, которая медленно переходила двор, опираясь на палочку. Внезапно она потеряла равновесие и поскользнулась на скользком асфальте и упала. К ней сразу же подбежал мальчик со своими друзьями и помогли старушке подняться. Она поблагодарила ребят, но самой большой наградой для них стало приятное тепло на сердце, которое появилось от того, что они смогли кому-то еще помочь.
A different situation occurred in the first grade. My friend and I were walking home from school and chatted about something very interesting and important. Suddenly we came to an old abandoned house. Like all small children, we are attracted to something unusual and interesting. A little poumnevshie, we went to the yard of this house. There everything seemed so mystical and strange. This house was abandoned for many years and is overgrown with grass and gradually began to crumble. It was terribly interesting and we went into the house, which hasn't gone before. Places carelessly on the floor lay a forgotten old masters household items.After the study we went into the yard. Everything seemed so ancient and unusual! We have captured research interest. In the yard we came upon an abandoned well for water. It was not deep and the top covered with a piece of fence from shtaketin. Of course we looked down. And there! At the bottom of the well sat a hedgehog. He is fragile perched on the chimney, which stood a little above the water. This little spiky ball could not get out of a deep pit. We terribly feel sorry for the innocent animal, because that was certain death from hunger.Long resolved had the two of us pushed the fence with the hole. It was decided to climb down and take out the hedgehog. And so they did. It was scary, but together we coped and released the animal from a terrible captivity. All went well and without unnecessary casualties. Of course it was very risky, but the mission was in the foreground! When the hedgehog was already on earth, we joyfully watched him return home. Little prickly lump happily taps his feet in the midst of the garden. But suddenly he turned around and looked at us. In his look there was a lot of gratitude and happiness.He snorted, as if said to us: "Thank you!". Soon, the hedgehog was out of sight, and we went happy with his act home.
Everything in this world can do things that are worthy of respect, you only need to want it.