An essay on the topic "What do you trace left on Earth?", 5th grade
All the people on Earth live in order to achieve a set purpose before him. To leave behind a memory. Some try to make a career. Someone wants to leave behind the results of their work. And for someone the most important is the upbringing of children, so they continued the work of their parents.
Our dreams and aspirations which we follow in life, begin to form in childhood. However, it should be noted that we do not always be those of whom dreamed of as children. In childhood many of us wanted to be astronauts, doctors or the military, because it was heroic or popular profession. In the case of a physician, even your favorite profession. But life brings about changes in these children's dreams and we become what we become.But even if we don't fulfill our childhood fantasies have to remember that any work is honorable, and any business person leave their mark in the eyes and thoughts of others. How often do we, on a Sunday, walking through the alleys of the beautiful city parks, admiring the flower beds, which grow a variety of flowers and not think about the fact that all this beauty is the handiwork of man. What would eat was not such at first glance unpopular occupations, as a gardener, handyman, digger, cleaner, the world around us would be less beautiful than it is now.
I really want the memory of every person on earth, about his life and his achievements are stored in the form of information. In many countries there are so-called memory books in which are entered the names of people who died in the war in order to perpetuate their memory to posterity. It would be great if people made a memory book for all people on planet Earth. It describes briefly each person's life, his successes and failures and people could read it and remember that once a man existed on the Earth.
So if you are faced with the choice to spend idle time in games and entertainment, or create something material or spiritual that will remain for years to come, think about what will remain after you. Ask yourself what deeds and actions your descendants will remember you.