Grade 5. An essay on the topic "Why we need to protect the book?".
The book is a priceless gift of the ages, the heritage of our ancestors, which has passed the test of time. The wisdom implicit in the pages can be absorbed into the thinking of everyone who reads them. Every author invests his inner understanding of what is happening and this, of course, need to filter information and to choose a suitable for yourself.
Долгие века человечество училось запечатлеть информацию для того, чтобы передавать последующим поколениям. Книга в своем развитии прошла путь от наскальных рисунков до современной целлюлозы. Письменность развивалась длительное время и набирала популяризации у народов мира. Совсем недавно грамотность была роскошью, как и книга сама по себе. Люди считали владение ею - целым достоянием и почетом.
Нынешнее время значительно отличается от древнего, ведь создание книг уже поставлено на конвейер. Чтобы приобрести любое современное издание, уже нет необходимости проходить долгий путь переписывания или перекупки. Сегодня ее можно просто заказать в каталоге или купить в книжном магазине. Наверное, и ценность книги поэтому значительно снизилась.
And whether it is necessary today to appreciate and preserve the good condition of the books, because they can easily be replaced? I believe that each page is worthy to be saved intact even because the author invested in its creation the soul and time. He tried to convey the necessary information, to share their personal experience, to help the reader to digest something new and unknown. And in General, everyone should treat others as one would like to be treated by others.
Today Angers me the most, as a spoil textbooks students draw on the pages cartoons, test your artistic ability on someone else's work. Such contempt shows a complete lack of understanding of the value of the book. It seems to me that if you're not interested in reading this tutorial, simply do not read and do not use him - let him remain for the student who will appreciate its merits.
Books are not created in one day. They are designed to transfer information for many centuries. Today's technology produces high quality paper grades for use in many fields of human activity. But still it is worth remembering that for the production of pulp daily and cut down thousands of trees that have grown over the decades. Today we should think about the price paid by nature in order that people can give each other wisdom. But what kind of wisdom we can say, if that low value the sacrifice that our planet pays for it?!
People today needs to think seriously about the value of each book, no matter how much stood on its price tag in the store. We need to remember about the main thing - how many pass the book test in history to be standing on our shelves.