I think every single person in the world hopes that if he gets into trouble, will always help friends or relatives. But it also happens that when there is some trouble near no friends, no loved ones. Then you depend on all those who by the will of the case turned out to be next in a difficult situation.
Probably everyone at least once in my life felt that way out there, felt human indifference and the request for assistance was refused. But this should not be! If a person is able to provide assistance to those in need - he must do! A man must always show compassion, kindness and decency.
It's sad that not everyone has such qualities and when people find themselves in a difficult life situation, they do not always wait for assistance. But no need to be upset and offended by indifferent people. You just need to understand that all people are worthy of mercy and respect!
Will tell you about one case that was in my life. Once, when I was walking home from school, I saw an old lady afraid to cross the road. I volunteered to help her. Grandma was confused, said I'm still very small and she fears not only for himself but for me too. Somehow I still convinced her that she needed my help and we moved across the street. And then... She pulled out of her purse, his wallet and, with shaking hands, took out all the detail that was there. Then he offered to feed me ice cream and poured all the change in my hand. It was all her money!
And then I realized the seriousness of my actions and how much he meant to that woman. Of course, I wouldn't take any money, wished her a safe journey and went home. But the whole way I felt some kind of print. Indeed, in another time, when she wants to cross the road, I may not be there and it will be very long to stand and wait for her.
So whatever happened in any case don't leave the man alone! Provide assistance! If you feel that you are not able to give help - ask for it from other people, make friends or call in special services. Because it can help not only to take the man out of a difficult situation, but to save his life!